Holy Spirit Call to Worship

Refrain: Fill my cup, Lord;I lift it up Lord;
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
Focus Scripture : John 14:26 – But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
Prayer: Sweet Holy Spirit, teach and lead me to choose my relationships wisely. I know what I need to be doing to fulfill purpose. I have received the grace to complete my God given purpose and race. I am also aware that relationships are at the core centre of the human race. I need people to survive. I need a spouse, I need a colleague, I need a mate, I need a friend, I need an acquaintance – Lord help me to choose them right and for those I already have or have chosen, e.g spouse – I receive the grace to continually do right by them.
Bible Passage: Nehemiah Chapter 4 
We can see in this scripture that the spirit of Sanballat is that spirit that gets angry when you want to do something for God, it is that spirit that will mock you from the inside when you desire to do something for God.  It is the same kind of taunting spirit that was in Goliath.   It is a spirit that tells you; it cannot be done; it is a spirit that would want to distract you from what you have to do for God,  a spirit that tells you who do you think you are; what are you talking about; what nonsense are you thinking of doing?
On the other hand, there is another spirit known as the spirit of Tobiah: Tobiah is a mocking spirit, a spirit that will belittle your dream and your destiny and your purpose that God has put in you to do for Him. 
Now, in the midst of all these was the spirit of Nehemiah, a man who knows how to seek God to fight His battles and to remove the spirit of Sanballat and Tobiah, that poses to be the stumbling block to the builders. 
Prayer: I refuse every voice and everyone in my life whom I share a relationship with, saying I am not good enough. Every mocking spirit, I walk over you. I am good enough for God. I am good enough for the purpose God has called me to fulfill and I open my eyes to see the relationships with the spirit in the inside of Nehemiah in Jesus name, to walk with them to build up and pull down in Jesus name.
Prayer: I receive the characteristics of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude and Knowledge to choose the best relationships, to have understanding of everything God is calling me to do in my relationships to fulfill purpose. I receive understanding of those relationships to keep, the jobs to take, the places to go, the events to participate in, in Jesus name. I refuse to be another number but I remain one with purpose even in my relationships in Jesus name.
Prayer: I walk out from every toxic relationship from tonight in Jesus name. Every relationship that is not doing my purpose and destiny any good, I walk away from by the power of God in Jesus name.
Prayer: I declare I am set free indeed in Jesus name. 
My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will take over our lives completely, to continue to teach, lead and guide us unto righteousness. 

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