1. James 3:14-16-Oh lord, strip me of every and any form of envy and self seeking attitude that will distract me from fulfilling my purpose ijn.- Help me rejoice with those that rejoice. Because I know that when you bless my neighbour, it means that you are in the neighbourhood and I am next in line for a blessing.
2. Matthew 5: 14-16, Isaiah 60:1THE EFFICACY OF YOUR LIGHT IS NOT DEPENDENT ON ITS INTENSITY. Regardless of how bright your light is, it has a purpose to fulfill.-Oh lord let my light shine and let your name be glorified.-Oh lord, help me use my light to fulfill my purpose-personalize Isaiah 60:1
3. Joshua 1:8. Proverbs 10:22.A relationship with God provides peace and satisfaction. Yes, you need to work hard but can be at peace whilst at it,  Success from God gives you rest. Eg Solomon. With all his riches, Israel was at peace during his reign.
– Oh lord, bless me with ‘good’ success in Jesus name.- May my blessings be a fulfillment of your purpose for my life in Jesus name.- May my yard stick of measuring success not be the same as the world’s but according to your purpose for me in Jesus name.
4. Ecclesiastes 9:11-I will not be at the right place at the wrong time.- I will not be at the wrong place at the right time.-I will not be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
– I will be at the right place at the right time in Jesus name. ( the miracle at the pool in Bethesda. John5:1-13)- My time and chance will happen to me and not pass me by in Jesus name.- Every negative spiritual clock set against my life be destroyed  in Jesus name.-Oh lord, set my spiritual clock to align with your will and purpose for me in Jesus name.
5. Numbers 13: 26-33 This event and other actions of unbelief extended an 11 day journey for 40 years.-Oh lord, connect me with destiny propellers and not destiny distractions in Jesus name.- Every door that the spirit of fear has opened against the fulfillment of my purpose. Be shut now ijn.- oh lord, strengthen me with faith to fulfill my purpose effectively in Jesus name.
6. 2 kings 6: 15-17 This can be likened to when obstacles/ circumstances blind us from fulfilling our purpose.-Oh lord, open my eyes to see divine opportunities in my journey in Jesus name.

Faithfully yours

Lamide ❤

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