Dear mum,

Remember the exhilarating joy you felt when you held your bundle of Joy for the first time? The delight when you beheld his/ her beauty. The feeling of great accomplishment and fulfillment…..
God is restoring you to a greater place of undiluted joy.

Remember the first time your baby fell asleep in your arms. Everyone told you this was the best time to take a nap. But you just couldn’t take your eyes of him/her. You were in awe of God’s creation. Watching her sleep was the best activity in the world…..God has never taken his eyes of you both.

Remember, going through the post partum depression, postnatal pain, cesarean section? Remember how those stitches took time to heal? The pain of breastfeeding no one ever warned you about? Remember how God walked with you through the process of healing and restoration? He is still available to Heal and restore your mind, soul and body.

Remember how you had to endure sleepless nights, yet had to wake up early to clean up and work? Remember how you still had to cook, wash and still found time to take care of your spouse and loved ones? This was extravagant Grace!!! It is available to you in double portion.

Remember the first time you took them to school or childcare. The heaviness and uncertainty you felt when you said goodbye. The tear you shed as soon as your eyes left them? God strengthened your faith to do this everyday until you both felt comfortable. His strenght is still available in your weakness.

Remember how they needed those school shoes that cost a fortune? You couldn’t afford them, yet you struggled to buy them. Or that holiday you saved over a year to take them? The overwhelming satisfaction you felt when you saw the smiles of their faces and heard their heart-felt ‘Thank you’. God’s provision still supplies all your needs.

I know you still worry about them as they grow and flourish. However, they don’t see this when they look into your eyes and give you the warmest hugs and biggest kisses. All they see is your selfless love and affection. This is a fraction compared to the love and affection that God feels for you.

Dear mum,

You weathered many storms and came out victorious. You have been refined as pure Gold. You are the apple of God’s eyes. You are strong, you are healed, you lack no good thing, you are beautiful and what’s more, you are loved.
Today, I arise with your children and call you blessed.
Well done.

Happy mothers day to mums and mums-to-be❤

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