Destroying negative bloodlines and demolishing toxic generational cycles

The Holy spirit laid this topic in my heart and this was reaffirmed after watching the documentary about Cyntoia Brown. If we think deeply, we cannot but identify some patterns and bloodlines from previous generations. These are not necessarily bad. EG: Skills. Whilst some patterns are generational, some cycles are peculiar to our lives. These may originate from negative words wrongfully prophesied  against us in the past. Sometimes, we may have confessed negative words against ourselves and these may come to play in our future. Alternatively, they become recurring cycles in our lives. Jonathan McReynolds said, ‘the devil learns from our mistakes  even if we don’t’. These in turn create dysfunctional cycles and patterns in our lives.
You might be thinking why you have to pray against something transgenerational. Be mindful that these atrocities or blessings are seeds sown to bear fruits. We are products of these seeds. The blood of Jesus has cleansed us from every curse, however to access this cleansing we require access/ keys to unlock these blessings and deliverance. It is up to us to use these keys correctly.


1 Samuel 17: 8-9, 45-51 (read the full chapter when you can)The philistines had been tormenting the Israelites for multiple generations. And this day, Goliath had made an offer that would enslave the Israelites for many more years (v8-9). However that day, God was going to give Israel victory through David over the battles the nation had been fighting before their time.– I CLAIM VICTORY OVER EVERY BATTLE OLDER THAN MY AGE IJN. Battles of enslavement, bondage, poverty growth, torment, addiction, stagnation.Before David was Samson (judges 13-16) God had given him the spirit and physical strength to Destroy the philistines. However, his lust for women cost him this mission. And even though he killed many philistines at the time of his death, he had the potential to end this battle whilst he was alive. (Zechariah4:7)-I ERADICATE EVERY MOUNTAIN/ PROBLEMS THAT ORIGINATED FROM THE MISTAKES OF MY PREDECESSORS IN JESUS NAME1chronicles 4: 9-10Jabez means someone who causes pain. This was the name stapled upon him at birth because of the circumstances surrounding his birth. But he cried out to God and this caused him, who was born in pain, to be singled out and called honourable among his brothers. You may have been called so many negative things. Your family name may be identified with traumatic or disturbing circumstances. But the God that changed the lot of Jabez is here. His anointing is powerful in our midst.-I CANCEL THE EVIL EFFECT OF ANY UNGODLY NAME IN MY BLOODLINE IJN, BLESS ME INDEED AND ENLARGE MY TERRITORY.
Isaiah 22:22-23, chapter 45:1Sometimes we struggle to get certain things because some doors have been shut. EG: we might ask God for financial blessings and get the money but this won’t be used purposefully. This means the door to financial prosperity may be shut. Sometimes, household wickedness does not allow more than a certain amount of people in a generation to prosper.OH LORD, OPEN EVERY GOOD DOOR THAT HAS BEEN SHUT BY  THE WICKEDNESS MY PREDECESSORS IJN. Hebrews 12:24When Cain killed Abel, God told him the blood of Abel had cried out to him from the ground and God reacted to this cry because it was powerful (Gen4:10). However the blood of Jesus has a stronger impact and speaks greater things concerning us.-I NULLIFY EVERY NEGATIVE PROPHECY MY BLOODLINE IS SPEAKING AGAINST ME IJN. failure, disease, untimely death.Ezekiel 37:12-14God was speaking to prophet Ezekiel when Israel was in a predicament that seemed impossible to recover from.EVERY BURIED POTENTIAL BEGIN TO COME FORTH IJN. ( business, purpose, ministries)Galatians 6:17The mark of Christ is the only mark profitable for our lives.-EVERY UNPROFITABLE MARK, BE REMOVED FROM MY LIFE IJNJudges 11Story of Jephthah ended in sorrow. Son of a harlot, sent away from his father’s house but used by God to bring Glory to Israel, yet this cost him his daughter.-I UPROOT EVERY TREE OF SORROW AND STAGNATION IN MY BLOODLINE IJN-I REFUSE TO LABOUR UNDER UNEXPLAINABLE BURDENS IJNIsaiah 45:2-I DESTROY EVERY INVISIBLE BARRIER AGAINST MY PROGRESS IJNNumbers 23:23We are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by faith. Because Abraham is the father of faith.-I DESTROY EVERY NEGATIVE CYCLE AND CURSES BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS.
2 Samuel 11. Story about David and Bathsheba. Even though the child died, the seed had been sown. This sin affected Solomon (over 1000 wives and concubines) and David’s household began to fall apart (Brother raped sister, brother killed brother, son tried to dethrone father etc).-EVERY NEGATIVE TREE PLANTED BEFORE OR DURING MY CONCEPTION, BE UPROOTED IJN-LET THE BLOOD OF JESUS SEPARATE ME PERMANENTLY FROM THE SINS OF MY PREDECESSORS IJNGenesis 25:29-34Esau and Jacob. I’m careful to use this scripture because God already said the older will serve the younger before they were born. However, he did not say that the older will become irrelevant. In the Yoruba culture, a person that births twins is identified by the twins forever, whether one of them dies at birth or not, they are called mother and father of twins. It is an honour to be called that name. But not so in this case, notice that God is called the father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Not Esau. Esau tried his best to impress his parents, when they didn’t approve of his first wife, he married another one he thought they would approve of. He was not a poor man either.
Even though Joseph’s brothers bowed to him, they didn’t lose their relevance. Esau lost his relevance as quickly as he sold his birthright.I POSSESS MY BIRTHRIGHT AS A DESCENDANT OF ABRAHAM IJN. ANY SEED OF IRRELEVANCE SOWN AGAINST MY FUTURE AND GENERATION, BE UPROOTED AND DESTROYED IJN.
2 kings 20:1-6 David however did a lot of good. He was after all, a man after God’s heart. Hezekiah was healed and Israel was saved because of David many generations later. God blessed Isaac and Jacob for the sake of Abraham There is also some good bloodline that we must partake in. Tonight’s session is a seed sown towards the bloodline of our children and future generation.-LET MY WARFARE TONIGHT PRESERVE MY POSTERITY IJN,– MAY GOD REMEMBER TODAY AND USE IT AS A STEPPING STONE FOR THE BLESSINGS OF MY CHILDREN AND GENERATION IJN.-BECAUSE I HAVE KNELT TO PRAY TONIGHT, MAY MY SEED NEVER BEG FOR THE HELP OF ANY MAN IJN.
2 Peter 2:9I DECLARE THAT I AM ALL THAT GOD HAS CALLED ME TO BE IJN. my health, children, future, marriage etc.PRAYER OF RELEASE.Matthew 18:18-20I RELEASE MYSELF FROM:Death and destruction Sickness and infirmityLust and perversionFear and tormentPride and rebellionBondage and slaveryPoverty and lackDivorce and separation ijn.Shame and reproachDisgrace and fear.Stagnation and unproductivity
Blessings Personal and declare the scripture below over your life and household:Deut 28:2-13
Don’t forget to send your prayer requests and testimonies ☺
Faithfully yours,

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